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Do Your Cloth Diapers Have Stones In Them?

I remember a couple of months ago a cloth diaper mama on Twitter inquired what everyone did for “cloth diaper stones”? I was clueless what she was talking about. Not that that is fully surprising, I can’t possibly know all there is to know about cloth diapers.

Of course, as most of the time works out when you raise your eyebrow at somebody like they are crazy, God helps you to grasp how wrong you are.

As you know I like my bum genius organic aios. Like them. But they aren’t ideal. It’s most probably because of the heavy use they get, but our bgo aios are the first cloth diapers to wear out. By wear out I mean get ratty holes along the legs and where the insert is sewn in.

They are still entirely performing but they are a bit embarrassing looking – and I know this because as I was changing a cloth diaper at my mother-in-law’s residence as my sister-in-law watched on I discovered just how poor they looked.

Anyways. Another imperfection to my bum genius organic aios is the development of these tiny hard “stones”. Not just one or two but several bumps throughout the insert. Truly strange.

Since I didn’t know what they were I soaked them for 24 hours in Rockin Green detergent. It seems all over I turn someone is recommending it for just about anything so I tried it. Nevertheless, for these stones it didn’t do anything.

Seeing as the diaper with the most stones is a zinnia bum genius with a pink inner with multiple ratty holes in it I figured I could give up this one for research and incise into the insert. I was expecting for the most awful. Really. I was thinking poop residue.

On the other hand you know what it was?? Cotton fuzz. Like the fuzz you wash out of your baby’s toes when you remove their attractive white socks. No wonder Rockin Green didn’t do anything.

How did they form there though??

I in fact don’t know. The insert is organic cotton so it isn’t wholly outrageous that these developed. Though still outlandish. Would I still put it on Sterling even with the rough surface against his skin? Perhaps. Suppose I needed a diaper and all the others were grimy, sure. Might it worry him? Probably. I’m thinking it would be as irksome to him as it would be to us if we had a fuzz ball in our sock under our foot.

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