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December, 2015Archive for

Free listing for caribbean related businesses

Saturday, December 26th, 2015

Manufacturers, importers, exporters, travel agents, tour operator, financial service providers, offshore banking service providers and other service providers related to the caribbean can send their details including company name, address, telephone number, email and other contact details for a listing on the Businesses of Caribbean website

Information on paper, fabric, bag prices

Monday, December 21st, 2015

Retailers, designers looking for low cost paper, fabric, cloth, plastic, handmade bags can check the website on Bag Prices for the latest specifications and prices. Bags can also be made according to their specifications or design

Backing Up All the Data in My Company

Sunday, December 13th, 2015

It is hard to believe that I used to keep track of all my business records in a ledger that I would write in myself. Mixed in with my handwritten pages were typed pages, but that was the extent of it. Personal computers were not even heard of when I first started, but that all changed during the 1990s. I learned as much as I could about computers then, because they just made every aspect of my business so much easier. One of the first things I learned was the value of a backup server.

When I first heard that term, it was just backing up data onto a floppy disk. Then, technology advanced as it always does, and servers were created to hold all of this data. Continue Reading…