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April, 2019Archive for

A Piece of Mind for Rose

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

One aspect of being a man is protecting your property and providing a safe home for your family. My father taught me that at an early age. he always made sure that my mother, brother, and I had a safe roof over our heads. Now, I am doing the same for me and my wife Rose. I love her so much. I would do anything for her. She is truly the love of my life. Recently, I had a threat to my home security. My neighbor’s home was burglarized. I needed cctv systems for my home. I needed to protect my home and my wife at all costs.

We wife Rose and I live in a very upscale neighborhood. I am financially blessed to afford a home in this exclusive neighborhood. We have a nice neighborhood watch. We all look out for each other. Recently, one my neighbor’s home was robbed. Continue Reading…